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The Centre for Psychological Astrology

The Centre for Psychological Astrology began unofficially in 1980 as a sporadic series of classes and seminars offered by Liz Greene and Howard Sasportas, covering all aspects of astrology from beginners’ courses to more advanced one-day seminars. In 1983 the name was changed to the Centre for Psychological Astrology, because a wide variety of psychological approaches was incorporated into the seminars, ranging from transpersonal psychology to the work of Jung, Freud and Klein.

Launch of CPA. Chart data: 13th June, 1983 14:45 BST (-1:00) London, UK

Branch of astrology
Psychological Astrology

Online Foundation Course
Foundations of Psychological Astrology
A one year Online Introductory Certificate Course with John Green. The course is ideal for those wanting to learn the basics of psychological astrology or those interested in a foundation for other school’s diploma courses. This course is run as real time online tutorials. You will be able to interact with the tutor and other students, ask questions and watch the recorded sessions if you miss them or wish to revisit them.

Enrolment periods and dates
Booking opens in July with the course starting in September each year.

Student base

Further Information
While the CPA no longer runs the Diploma Course it still runs a Foundation Course online and a variety of webinars run by Liz Greene and John Green of MISPA. The CPA retains its aim to offer innovative and creative seminars in psychological astrology but without the evaluation and assessment of students in a formal way.

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