- +44 (0)20 8625 0098
- www.astrologicalassociation.com
- office@astrologicalassociation.com
Astrological Association
Founded in 1958 and became a charitable incorporated organisation (No.1152804) on 10th July 2013.
Aims and Objectives
The AA acts as a central resource to both the public and all other astrological organisations. The association supports all branches of astrology, and its membership is open to everyone interested in astrology, from hobbyists to professionals and supports astrological education.
The AA is a membership organisation. Various tiers of membership give access to news within the astrological community, online and hard-copy versions of the Journal and other AA publications, access to the association’s substantial library and access to events.
Regular Publications
The Astrological Journal is a bi-monthly publication which includes a broad range of articles from the international astrological community and under the stewardship of Editor, Victor Olliver.
The twice-yearly Correlation is a peer reviewed academic research journal and holds a reputation for researching new frontiers in astrology. Editor: Robert Currey.
The Astrology and Medicine Newsletter is a bespoke newsletter published twice a year and provides a platform to promote the teaching and study of medical astrology. Editor: Wanda Sellar.
Events and Annual Conference
The AA holds an annual Conference in the UK every year (since 1968), with a broad range of astrological topics presented by the wider international astrological community and seeks to be a unifying and educational event for the astrological community. From 2020, the AA offered an online platform for the conference and the event has been hybrid since.
The AA organizes other events which include a one-day Astrological Research Conference in London every second year and various online initiatives to educate the community and provide a platform for community attendance.
The Association maintains an extensive reference library comprising over 10,000 books and periodicals. A scanning project has enabled making rare publications available online. Members can also request scans of articles and extracts from books. The library is located in Bristol, UK and members may visit by appointment. Librarian: Philip Graves